Acupuncture is an effective and holistic health care system that offers a safe, painless and effective approach to getting and staying well. The goal of acupuncture is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of your body and restore it back to normal functioning. This is usually done by stimulating specific acupuncture points through the insertion of fine, sterile acupuncture needles into the skin.
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? Acupuncture is part of a broad system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used for centuries to treat millions of people around the world. Other TCM techniques, such as manual massage (Tui Na), moxibustion cupping, heat therapy, electrical stimulation or herbal medicines, can further enhance the effects of an acupuncture treatment.
Qi (“chee”), is the vital energy or life force which flows through pathways (meridians) in your body. A person's health is influenced by the quality, quantity and balance of Qi. An obstruction of Qi anywhere in the body is like a dam, backing up the flow in one area and restricting it in others.
Obstructions can be caused by numerous factors, including physical and emotional trauma, stress, lack of exercise, overexertion, seasonal changes, diet, accidents or excessive activity. When the disruption of Qi is prolonged or excessive, or if the body is in a weakened state, then illness, pain or disease can set in. Acupuncture works to balance the flow of Qi in order to protect you from illness, pain and disease.
Acupuncture is used to prevent illness, promote healing and address a wide range of health concerns. It has proven very effective in relieving pain and discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:
Can I combine acupuncture with western medicine? Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with western medice, and can help reduce side effects of some medications or treatments, such as chemotherapy. It does not negatively interfere with other forms of medicine. It is important, however, to tell your practitioner what other forms of treatment you are receiving.
Acupuncture doesn’t hurt. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, similar to the width of a cat’s whisker. Although it is sometimes hard to even feel them being inserted, some people report a pressure-like sensation, or a feeling of energy spreading and moving around the needle, referred to as the "Qi sensation.” Patients often fall asleep and are in deep relaxation on the table.
What if I am afraid of needles? The needles used are hair thin and very different from the needles used for injections of medicine. If you are worried, however, mention this during your consultation and before your first treatment. Your practitioner can take it into account and help make things easier for you.
Are there any side-effects? There are very few side effects with acupuncture. In rare cases, the needles will leave a small bruise. Acupuncture needles are pre-sterilised, single use needles, which are safely discarded after the treatment.
Dr. Sarina Hrubesch, D.A.C.M., L.Ac., holds a Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Florida. After successfully treating patients for six years in Florida, Dr. Hrubesch established her current practice on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Besides helping reduce pain, her focus is on stress-related and emotional issues.
Please call the office at (561) 420-0763 or email us at to schedule a 15-20 consultation. The practitioner will ask some questions about your current health and medical history to determine whether acupuncture might help address your concerns. If both you and the practitioner decide to proceed with acupuncture, you can schedule your first appointment at that time.
Once you have scheduled your first appointment, you will receive an email with links to the New Patient Forms. Please complete these medical information and consent forms BEFORE you arrive for your appointment.
After you have completed the New Patient Forms, there is no need for special preparation, but here are a few things you may wish to consider:
During the first appointment, your practitioner will review your health and medical history with you and ask questions about your symptoms, behaviors and lifestyle to assess your condition. The practitioner will also feel your pulse, look at your tongue and may palpate your abdomen or other areas of your body as part of the assessment.
Once your practitioner has gathered the above information and completed the evaluation, she will formulate an individualized treatment plan. Acupuncture points are situated in all areas of the body; sometimes the appropriate points are far removed from the area of your pain.
You will usually lie on a padded table for the treatment. In the event you need to undress, the acupuncturist will step out to allow you to disrobe and provide a gown and instructions.. The treatment will involve:
Please plan for your initial appointment to last about 2 hours, and subsequent treatments to last about 1 hour.
Are there any post-treatment Do’s and Don’ts? After treatment, we recommend that you drink a glass of water to help stabilize your energy. Some people feel relaxed and others feel energized after an acupuncture treatment. You may resume all normal daily activity.
Can I exercise? We recommend that you avoid strenuous exercise for about 30 minutes After treatment.
What kind of results can I expect? Results will vary from person to person, depending on your condition, how long you’ve had it, how severe it is, and your lifestyle. Many people notice changes immediately, while others may take longer. In general, significant and lasting improvements are noticed after repeated treatments.
It is impossible to say how many treatments somebody will need, especially without a proper consultation and examination process. In general, more recent complaints will respond to treatment more quickly than chronic, long-standing illnesses.
Depending on your condition, your practitioner might recommend weekly or bi-weekly treatments to address your concern. Once the problem has been successfully treated, many patients choose to follow a bi-monthly or monthly preventative maintenance schedule.
Wellstream Healing & Acupuncture requires patient payment at the time of your treatment, and does not bill your insurance. If your health insurance plan provides coverage for acupuncture, we can provide a Superbill for you to submit with your request for reimbursement.
Please note that health insurance plans vary greatly in whether they will cover acupuncture treatment and for which conditions. You should contact your insurance provider directly in order to determine whether your health plan will cover acupuncture treatment for your specific condition.
If you need to cancel or reschedule, please do so at the earliest opportunity, since another patient will be able to use that time slot. Please note that cancellations made within 24 hours of your appointment will need to be paid in full.